US government researchers have uncovered evidence that some popular weedkilling products, like Monsanto’s widely-used Roundup, are potentially more toxic...

A California Appellate Court sided with the State of California and Center for Food Safety (CFS) on Thursday, affirming that Monsanto’s glyphosate...

German Agriculture Minister Julia Kloeckner on Tuesday said she was finalizing a draft regulation to end use of the weed-killer glyphosate in household...

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency lessened protections for crops and wildlife habitats after Monsanto supplied research that presented lower estimates...

A Monsanto genetically modified (GMO) insecticidal maize that has been approved for food and feed use in Europe for seven years was found to cause kidney...

Mike Papantonio and the author Carey Gillam discussed her new book on Thursday, which reveals how Monsanto viciously worked to cover-up the fact that...

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released Monday a controversial analyses that rely heavily on industry studies to conclude that glyphosate poses...

French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday said he would take all measures necessary to ensure that weed-killer glyphosate is banned in France as soon...

Monsanto Co said last Thursday that Mexico’s agriculture sanitation authority SENASICA had revoked its permit to commercialize genetically modified soy...

A qualified majority of EU member states has voted in favour of the Commission’s proposal for the renewal of the approval of glyphosate for five...