Just months after a study was published showing that two Monsanto products, a genetically modified (GM) maize and Roundup herbicide, damaged the health...

Green Party leaders said today that biotech giant Monsanto and other powerful biotech companies and agribusinesses are wreaking havoc with the environment,...

Sustainable Pulse Exclusive Interview with Chris Kanthan, author of Deconstructing Monsanto. Chris Kanthan lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, has traveled...

Food & Water Watch has closely examined five years of State Department diplomatic cables from 2005 to 2009 to provide the first comprehensive analysis...

Sustainable Pulse would like to show its official support for Indiana farmer Vernon Bowman, who today lost his high profile lawsuit against Monsanto.Sustainable...

Sustainable Pulse interview with GMO FREE USA Founder, Diana Reeves, on the multinational companies that are scared of GMO labeling, the political supporters...

Supermarkets from across Europe have signed the Brussels Soy Declaration to state that they want EU consumers and farmers to have a choice to eat and use...

GM Crops are a threat to our dwindling water supplies; they are less water-efficient and contaminate fresh water.Source: i-sis.org.uk By Dr Eva SirinathsinghjiA fully...

Senate Appropriations Committee Chairwoman Barbara Mikulski has apologized for the infamous Biotech rider that US President Barack Obama recently signed...

The European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER), the Society for Ecological Research, the foundation Manfred-Hermsen-Stiftung...