The US military has plans to create genetically modified marine organisms that can be used as underwater spies for the military. Fantastic as this idea...

The largest rural movements in Brazil, representing well over a million farmers, are protesting a new Brazilian regulation that would allow release of...

A new research study from the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre and two Dutch laboratories shows that 45% of Europe’s top soil contains glyphosate...

Scientists at the University of York in England have discovered for the first time that the sequence of exposure to pesticides and pollutants significantly...

Russia has officially proposed clear GMO labeling on all food products that contain genetically modified ingredients in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEC),...

Last week the U.S. corporation Monsanto, which holds a leading position in the global market of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), reached a licensing...

Friends of the Earth has applauded the launch of the Non-GMO Project’s most recently updated Standard, which clarifies that ingredients derived from...

The Global GMO Free Coalition has launched on Tuesday, bringing together GMO Free groups across 6 continents with a partner membership of over 4.5 Million...

Fears the Bay of Plenty Regional Council was introducing policy by stealth to manage the risk from genetic engineering have been defused by the Environment...

Today, Testbiotech has published a new report on future developments in agro-biotechnology and genetic engineering. It focuses on genetically engineered...