Monsanto, the world’s largest producer of  genetically-modified (GM) crops and their associated pesticides, including the probable carcinogen Roundup,...

GeneWatch UK today responded to Rothamsted Research’s admission that its field trial of GM wheat failed to repel aphids by highlighting the shocking...

Seed giant Syngenta faces billion-dollar class actions in three states, claiming China is rejecting U.S. corn shipments because Syngenta released a genetically...

Republican Governor Paul LePage has kept his written promise to the people of Maine by signing Maine’s GMO labeling bill, LD 718, into law on Thursday. LePage...

More than 400 farmers coming from all over Bicol stormed the ongoing field testing of Golden Rice at the Department of Agriculture Regional Field Unit...

Just before the Supreme Court hears arguments in Bowman v. Monsanto Co., a new report has been released regarding Monsanto’s GE Crops and their...

The latest study published by Washington State University research professor Charles Benbrook finds that the use of herbicides in the production of three...

Iceland’s state-owned renewable energy company says it will study the feasibility of laying the world’s longest submarine electric cable to...