Food giant Nestlé announced Tuesday that they will grow their non-GMO range of products due to the growing demand from consumers, in a shock to the Biotech...

Pope Francis has made his strongest attack yet on genetically modified plants and animals (GMOs) and the Biotech Industry (which includes companies such...

The United Nations has forecast that world food production must double to feed 9 billion people by 2050. That assertion has become a relentless talking...

Portuguese farmers are turning their backs on Monsanto’s genetically modified MON810, which is the only GM crop commercially grown in the European...

The Union of Latin American Scientists Committed to Society and Nature (UCCSN-AL) has rejected Tuesday the recent letter signed by several Nobel Prize...

Consumer group U.S. Right to Know filed a lawsuit late Wednesday to compel the University of California, Davis to comply with requests for public records...

Today, U.S. soybean producers spend 88 percent more on crop protectant products than they did six years ago, stated the 2015 National Ag Statistics Survey...

The Canadian Biotechnology Action Network (CBAN), Ecology Action Centre, Living Oceans Society and the Quebec network Vigilance OGM are expressing concerns...

Venezuela’s seed law has the backing of campesinos and rural families and will regulate the production of hybrid seeds in Venezuela and prevent the...

Following a news report confirming that an application for approval for commercialization of GM mustard has been moved with India’s apex regulatory...