The European Commission has learned its lesson from the glyphosate controversy and is coming forward with “bold proposals” on transparency, says Bernhard...

Hive-bound young honey bees (Apis mellifera) are being poisoned by insecticide and weed killer gathered by their foraging hive mates, according to new...

The first comprehensive review of gaps in risk assessments for “adjuvants” – ingredients added to pesticide formulations to enhance the...

A new peer-reviewed study published in Environmental Health on Friday has linked glyphosate levels with shortened pregnancy lengths, in the first ever...

On Friday, public interest organizations representing farmers and conservationists made their legal case in a federal lawsuit against the Environmental...

A Monsanto genetically modified (GMO) insecticidal maize that has been approved for food and feed use in Europe for seven years was found to cause kidney...

Genetically modified (GM) “male-sterile” mosquitoes are due to be released in Burkina Faso this year by the Target Malaria research consortium. However,...

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released Monday a controversial analyses that rely heavily on industry studies to conclude that glyphosate poses...

Ben & Jerry’s has moved to cut all glyphosate-tainted ingredients from its production chain and introduce an “organic dairy” line next year,...

The European Court of Justice attempted to remove the right of democratically elected governments across the European Union (EU) to ban genetically modified...