The discovery of the Cas9 protein has simplified gene editing, and may even make it possible to eliminate many hereditary diseases in the near future....

As CRISPR-Cas9 starts to move into clinical trials, a new study published in Nature Methods has found that the gene-editing technology can introduce...

Center for Food Safety (CFS) is today warning consumers about a new genetically engineered (GE) potato that may soon enter the food supply. Because GE...

Standard toxicity testing is inadequate to assess the safety of a new technology with potential for creating pesticides and genetically modifying crops,...

In a new peer-reviewed paper published by an international team from New Zealand, Brazil and Australia in the prestigious journal Environment International,...

A hidden viral gene, from cauliflower mosaic virus, has been discovered by EFSA (the European Food Safety Authority) in GMO crops, which has caused shockwaves...