The Brazilian Federal Public Prosecutor in the Federal District has requested the Justice Department to suspend the use of glyphosate – the most...

Sudanese authorities have seized a shipment of genetically modified (GM) soybeans at Port Sudan harbour, stating that it is currently ‘illegal’...

GM crops in Brazil have brought higher agrochemical use and lower yields and productivity, according to a new report based on government data. In the new...

Police from Huaihua city in Central China’s Hunan province, have busted a suspected GM corn seeds smuggling ring, the National Business Daily reported...

Large Ukrainian agricultural associations have prepared draft amendments to the law on the state biosecurity system in creating, testing, transportation...

Cyprus environment commissioner Ioanna Panayiotou has launched a campaign for the country to ban genetically modified organisms. For full information...

Seed diversity around the world comes from the work and research of peasant farmers over the centuries, saving seeds, and selecting those varieties that...

GMO OMG explores the systematic corporate takeover and potential loss of humanity’s most precious and ancient inheritance: seeds. Director Jeremy Seifert...

After several years of apparent short term success in Burkina Faso of Bt cotton in increasing yields, and improving profits of small scale cotton farmers,...

Seeds of Freedom is a short film that was launched online in 2012 – it charts the story of seed from its roots at the heart of traditional, diversity...