An environmentally relevant concentration of Roundup caused changes in the gut microbiome of rats, according to a new study published by the team led by...

Washington State University (WSU) researchers, led by Dr. Michelle (Shelley) McGuire, working alongside Monsanto and the Monsanto service contractor Covance...

The Organic Consumers Association (OCA) have called on U.S. regulatory agencies, including the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), the Environmental...

Sri Lanka has beome the first country to ban the sale of Monsanto’s “Roundup” glyphosate weedicide after a study found that the weedicide...

150 scientists from around the World have condemned the retraction of French scientist Gilles-Eric Séralini’s study on GM Maize and Roundup, as...

The mystery of what is causing thousands to die each year from a fatal kidney disease may now be solved, with evidence pointing to the world’s most...

The journal Food and Chemical Toxicology (FCT) wants to withdraw the article by Professor Seralini on rats fed GM maize NK603, which was published in September...

Testbiotech has published a global overview of countries where there has been an uncontrolled spread of GM oilseed rape (canola). The countries include...

Requiring food manufacturers to label products that contain genetically modified (GM) ingredients will not increase food prices at the supermarket, according...

A new study by scientists in Europe has revealed that Glyphosate (Roundup) is toxic to the normal metabolism of dairy cows. In the new paper titled ‘Field...