The discovery of the Cas9 protein has simplified gene editing, and may even make it possible to eliminate many hereditary diseases in the near future....

Cornell University’s plans to release genetically modified (GM) moths in New York State ignore existing evidence of failure, which shows the GM pests...

Two nonprofit organizations on Friday filed a lawsuit against Monsanto for misleading the public by labeling its popular weedkiller Roundup as “target[ing]...

The last year has seen a number of new scientific studies showing the dangers to animals and the environment of GM Crops, in this latest stunning study...

By 2050, rising population and demand, as well as an increase in use of wood for bioenergy, could triple the amount of wood society takes from forests...

A group of Round Island boas are being reintroduced to one of their original habitats on another Mauritian island for the first time since the 1860’s. This...

Facebook has today set an important benchmark for the company to fulfill its goal to be fully powered by clean and renewable energy, Greenpeace International...

Greenpeace today criticised the European Commission for diluting new proposed vehicle efficiency standards, following pressure from the car industry. The...