Scientists at the University of York in England have discovered for the first time that the sequence of exposure to pesticides and pollutants significantly...

Malta is set to become the first EU country to ban the use of the controversial weedkiller glyphosate, which was reauthorised by the European Commission...

The unelected European Commission (EC) has unilaterally extended the license of glyphosate until the end of 2017, despite the democratic European member...

The U.S. leading yogurt producer Dannon has announced that it’s three flagship brands will be made from non-GMO ingredients and that the cows that...

Reuters reported Friday that France’s health and safety agency (ANSES) has decided to ban weedkillers that combine chemicals glyphosate and the...

The Detox Project is launching a revolution in food testing Wednesday, with low-detection LC/M/MS lab testing for the World’s most used herbicide, glyphosate,...

Kellogg’s and Mars have joined General Mills and Campbell’s by announcing that they will start to label their products in the U.S. that contain...

A Care2 petition, which was signed by over 90 000 people, has led to Monsanto’s RoundUp herbicide being removed from Waitrose stores across the UK,...

In a move that could help decide the future of GM crops in Africa, Burkina Faso has abandoned GM Bt cotton. The country has begun a complete phaseout of...

In a little over a week, Iowa caucus goers will gather in small rooms across the state and talk amongst themselves to select the next leader of the free...