We are thrilled to tell you that a short while ago, the Senate amended and voted on HB 6527, the GMO labeling bill voted on by the House last Thursday....

Sustainable Pulse would like to show its official support for Indiana farmer Vernon Bowman, who today lost his high profile lawsuit against Monsanto.Sustainable...

By 2050, rising population and demand, as well as an increase in use of wood for bioenergy, could triple the amount of wood society takes from forests...

Conservation groups today hailed protection of 9.6 million acres of critical habitat for the threatened northern spotted owl across federal lands in...

In a new briefing published today, GeneWatch UK highlights numerous errors and omissions in the risk assessment process for genetically modified (GM) mosquitoes. ...

Facebook has today set an important benchmark for the company to fulfill its goal to be fully powered by clean and renewable energy, Greenpeace International...

The African Centre for Biosafety (ACB) has today released its new study titled, “How much glyphosate is on your dinner plate? SA’s food safety...

Greenpeace welcomed a plan presented by the European Commission today to ban some of the most environmentally damaging fishing practices, under a review...

Greenpeace today criticised the European Commission for diluting new proposed vehicle efficiency standards, following pressure from the car industry. The...

Seventy-five family farmers, seed businesses, and agricultural organizations representing over 300,000 individuals and 4,500 farms filed a brief today...