The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency lessened protections for crops and wildlife habitats after Monsanto supplied research that presented lower estimates...

Western corn rootworm can destroy cornfields — and profits — but populations of the “billion-dollar bug” have stopped responding to insecticides...

New University of Canterbury research has confirmed that the active ingredients of the commonly used herbicides, RoundUp, Kamba and 2,4-D (glyphosate,...

MetricBio have launched the first ever Glyphosate Biobank, to help shed further light on the levels of glyphosate in the U.S population and to help researchers...

A new global assessment, released Tuesday by the University of Arizona, helps scientists explain why cases of pest resistance to genetically modified crops...

As the U.S. growing season entered its peak this summer, farmers began posting startling pictures on social media: fields of beans, peach orchards and...

The first-ever study to map U.S. wild bees suggests they are disappearing in the country’s most important farmlands – from California’s...

The 2016 University of Illinois Plant Clinic herbicide resistance report has shown that glyphosate herbicide resistance and PPO Inhibitor herbicide resistance...

Following the Russian State Duma’s approval of the first reading of a bill to ban the cultivation of genetically modified crops (GM crops) in 2015, there...

Research lead by a team from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand has found that commonly used herbicides, including the world’s most used herbicide...