A statement signed by over 300 scientists and legal experts to the effect that there is “No consensus” on the safety of genetically modified (GM) crops...

Brazilian scientists and members of social movements have appealed to Pope Francis to join forces with them in an attempt to persuade the Brazilian government...

Argentine scientist Professor Andrés Carrasco has sadly passed away. He will be sorely missed by many people around the World who recognize him as a...

Request by 250 Indian scientists to the Indian PM to accept the Final Report submitted by the Supreme Court-appointed Technical Expert Committee (TEC)...

The number of scientists, physicians and legal experts who have signed the group statement, “No scientific consensus on GMO safety” has climbed to...

There is no scientific consensus on the safety of genetically modified foods and crops, according to a statement released today by an international group...

Ghanaians may wish to ask, just whose interests does Ghana’s Biosafety Committee represent? Are they interested in safety? Or are they just interested...

University of Canterbury researchers have found that the biotechnologies used in north American staple crop production are lowering yields and increasing...

In a new peer-reviewed paper published by an international team from New Zealand, Brazil and Australia in the prestigious journal Environment International,...

Monsanto has been put under huge pressure in Europe after a new scientific study was released in Germany last week showing its glyphosate based herbicide...