The Americans do not only spy on governments, authorities and private individuals across the world with the help of their secret services;  they also...

The largest German daily newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung has today published a shocking article that reveals how Monsanto,  the US Military and the US...

Following our call for a ban on the importation, cultivation, consumption, and sale of genetically modified foods and crops in Ghana, until the people...

The Non-GMO Project Verified label recently cleared a regulatory hurdle for labeling meat and liquid egg products. This is the first time that the Food...

University of Canterbury researchers have found that the biotechnologies used in north American staple crop production are lowering yields and increasing...

Connecticut is celebrating Tuesday after becoming the first US state to pass GMO Labeling in to law. This landmark event has sparked a wave of support...

Monday 3rd June update: Monsanto has told EU authorities how to detect the unapproved strain of genetically modified wheat found growing on a farm in Oregon,...

The Connecticut Senate has voted 35-1 to approve gmo labeling late Tuesday, with the only dissenting vote coming from state Sen. Rob Kane, R-Watertown. “This...

Green Party leaders said today that biotech giant Monsanto and other powerful biotech companies and agribusinesses are wreaking havoc with the environment,...

Sustainable Pulse would like to point women (and men) from around the World to the Weekly Women’s GMO Free News – a weekly Google Hangout hosted...