Hive-bound young honey bees (Apis mellifera) are being poisoned by insecticide and weed killer gathered by their foraging hive mates, according to new...

Rothamsted Research has received permission from the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) to carry out GM Wheat field trials on...

In July 2016 the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed a law to ban the cultivation and breeding of genetically modified plants and...

GeneWatch UK today responded to Rothamsted Research’s admission that its field trial of GM wheat failed to repel aphids by highlighting the shocking...

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved Wednesday Dow Chemical’s new “Enlist Duo” weedkiller, containing a combination of RoundUp and...

The Global GMO Free Coalition has launched on Tuesday, bringing together GMO Free groups across 6 continents with a partner membership of over 4.5 Million...

Oxitec’s notification for the export of GM mosquito eggs to Panama contains no risk assessment for its planned experiments, despite this being a requirement...

GeneWatch UK today warned that open releases of millions of GM mosquitoes produced by UK company Oxitec should not take place in Panama until members of...

Today Testbiotech published the first global overview showing how genetically engineered plants (GM crops) such as maize, rice, cotton, oilseed rape, bentgrass...

The Americans do not only spy on governments, authorities and private individuals across the world with the help of their secret services;  they also...